Monday, August 06, 2007

FWN 99

  1. Fedora Weekly News Issue 99
    1. Announcements
      1. Fedora 8 Test 1 slipping
      2. Interested in holding a session at Virtual FudCon?
      3. Ask Fedora: Fedora Weekly News Column
    2. Planet Fedora
      1. Better Fedora Collaboration
      2. Come Party With Fedora
    3. Ask Fedora
      1. License violations
      2. Making Backups
      3. Future of RPM
      4. CD Installations of Fedora 7
      5. Global changes in Fedora
      6. Bugzilla Responses
      7. Problem with Pup
    4. Marketing
      1. Bradley Kuhn and Max Spevack to keynote at Ohio LinuxFest
      2. Video: Meet the Fedora Ambassadors
      3. New extras repository for Red Hat Enteprise Linux
      4. Redirecting Core Dumps
    5. Developments
      1. FESCo Approves CodecBuddy
      2. The Future Of Yum
      3. Kqemu In The Kernel?
      4. Kmods Clarified
      5. LiveCD Wipes Root Partition
      6. RPM Roadmap (Cont.)
      7. KDE4 Status
      8. Package Management: Goats Satisfied With Current Situation
      9. FESCo Ratifies Changes To "License:" Tag In RPM SPECs
    6. Maintainers
      1. EPEL Repository Continues To Expand
    7. Documentation
      1. Virtual Fudcon Ideas?
      2. Documentation Project Steering Committee Meeting
      3. Fedora 8 Test 1 Release Notes
    8. Infrastructure
      1. Operating Procedures
    9. Artwork
      1. Echo Used on
      2. Virtual Fudcon
      3. Round 2 Deadline
    10. Security Week
      1. Firefox
      2. Hacking via IPS Signatures
    11. Daily Package
      1. Gobby - Collaborative editor
      2. Netpbm - Utilities for graphic manipulation
      3. Wednesday Why: Colour ls
      4. Xnest - A nested X server
      5. Kbilliard - Billiard simulator game
    12. Advisories and Updates
      1. Fedora 7 Security Advisories
      2. Fedora Core 6 Security Advisories
    13. Events and Meetings
      1. Fedora Board Meeting Minutes 2007-07-31
      2. Fedora Ambassadors Meeting 2007-MM-DD
      3. Fedora Documentation Steering Committee 2007-07-31
      4. Fedora Engineering Steering Committee Meeting 2007-08-02
      5. Fedora Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux Meeting (Log) 2007-08-01
      6. Fedora Infrastructure Meeting (Log) 2007-MM-DD
      7. Fedora Packaging Committee Meeting 2007-07-31
      8. Fedora Release Engineering Meeting 2007-07-30
      9. Fedora Translation Project Meeting (Log) 2007-MM-DD

1 comment:

Wanted said...

Salut Nihed cé 7osni
voilà mon blog